About Us

NATIONAL WAVES is one of Nigeria’s media organisations. It has two titles on the news stands namely NATIONAL WAVES Newspaper, a black and white affair that adorns a colour cover and centre spread. NATIONAL WAVES Newspaper serves its readers news as it breaks with other columns such as Business, Banking, Aviation, Features, Telecoms, Sports, Entertainment, Banking, Politics, Tourism etc.

The second title is NATIONAL WAVES Magazine; a glossy, all colour affairs which mirrors the activities and lifestyles of famous people.

At the helms of affairs of NATIONAL WAVES is Jimmy Enyeh, a seasoned journalist who studied Mass Communication at the University of Lagos, Lagos State,Nigeria and Public Administration at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.

Since NATIONAL WAVES came into existence in March 2008, it has consistently hit the newsstands. It is located in Abuja, the federal capital territory of Nigeria.

On account of publishing two titles, are two different mission statements.

NATIONAL WAVES Newspaper’s mission statement is to maintain high ethical standard and it is our abiding principle to promote professionalism and shall be committed to exposing corruption and celebrating integrity and service to humanity. shall consistently serve you news as it breaks, ensure you get news behind the news and analytical features beyond the ordinary. We shall forever remain resolute and focused.

While NATIONAL WAVES Magazine’s mission statement is to uphold the ethics of journalism profession by creating and mirroring history makers and achievers as never before. We shall celebrate top Nigerians’ achievements and denounce infamy and other acts capable of entrenching anti-national development orientation. We shall focus and report positive WAVES of famous people. Their WAVES shall be reported dispassionately and geographically without bias.