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HomeNewsTop Personalities Mourn Col. John Yahaha Madaki

Top Personalities Mourn Col. John Yahaha Madaki

Top personalities among them Katsina State governor, Aminu Masari, Niger State governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello and Chairman Pinnacle Communications Limited, Sir Lucky Omoluwa are currently mourning the demise of former military governor of Katsina state and Commander Brigade of Guards, . Col John Yahaya Madaki who died on Monday after a brief illness at National Hospital, Abuja

Masari expressed sadness over the demise adding that the passing would reverberate beyond his military constituency.

Masari, in a statement signed by his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media, Abdu Labaran Malumfashi, described late Colonel Madaki as a gallant officer and gentleman who was totally committed to the military institution and any duty assigned to him.

For Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello, the governor of Niger state, he extolled the virtues of the retired colonel by saying that Nigeria has lost one of its finest military officers with his death

He described the death of the military strategist, who was widely known as “Jungle Expert” as a colossal loss at a critical time when the country requires his professional and his wealth of military experience to quell armed insurgency and kidnapping ravaging many states of the country.

The Governor in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Malam Jibrin Baba Ndace said Late Col. Madaki left footmarks in virtually every areas of our national life where he was opportuned to serve.

A military officer with unrivalled passion for fairness, respect for constituted authority, development and peace, Late Colonel Madaki’s heroic role and contributions to the development of the state and the country rated him far ahead his contemporaries.

“Nigeria has again lost one of her finest military officers, a professional per-excellence whose developmental contributions cut across many stratas of our national life. We have lost an elder state man, a leader full of knowledge and wisdom. We will miss his wise counsels on peace, leadership and national development.

“Late Colonel John Madaki left at the time we needed him most in the state, especially on issues of growth and development of the state and the country as a whole. We will indeed miss him.”

For the chairman of Pinnacle Communications, Sir Lucky Omoluwa, he described the late Madaki as an elderstateman with untainted, unblemished and unequalled character. He stressed that Madaki has left a vacuum that would be difficult to fill by his contemporaries. Omoluwa described Madaki as an altruistic and unfaltering leader who was a role model to many.

The “Jungle Expert” was appointed military governor in December 1989 by the former military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. He returned to the barracks in 1992 as commander Brigrade of Guards and retired from service as Commandant, Nigerian Army Depot, Zaria, Kaduna State.

He was chairman, Security Exchange Commission, a committed Catholic and member of Professional Golfers Association of Nigeria. Madaki was also the former Special Adviser, Security to one time Minister of Federal Capital Territory.

Until his death, Madaki was the Chairman of the 7 man advisory committee constituted by Governor Sani Bello to offer innovative advise and dynamic perspectives on how to improve the economy, infrastructure and security of the state.

He is survived by a wife and seven children, among whom is Lt. Col. Buhari Michael Madaki



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