Saturday, July 27, 2024


It Is No Longer Debatable Who Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Is To The Good People

Of Imo State And Nigeria. It Is Not Debatable Today That Uche Nwosu’s

Honour Out Of Public Service Is Much More Resounding Than When He Was

In Public Service.


Even Though He Left Public Service Almost A Year Ago, Uche Nwosu Has

Continued To Be More Relevant In Every Way And Manner; Politically,

Socially, Economically, Culturally And Indeed Religiously, In Moving

Imo State, South-East And Nigeria Forward. And People Of All Shades Of

Life Have Continued To Testify Of How Almighty God Has Used And Still

Using Him To Uplift Humanity. This Shows That A Man Is Remembered By

His Work. There Is Nothing To Remember About Evil Workers, As Their

Memory Will Naturally Rot Away, But There Is Everything To Remember A

Good And Godly Man. Proverbs Chapter 10 Verse 7 Tells Us That ” The

Memory Of The Righteous Is Blessed, But The Name Of The Wicked Will



There Are Two Categories Of Individuals, Whether Traders, Business

Men, Civil Servants, Politicians, Farmers Etc.


The First Category Is For Those Whose Services To Humanity Are

Meaningless And Worthless, And Have Through Their Activities And

Actions Worsened And Aggravated The Suffering Of Mankind, When They

Start Seeing Good Works Of Those People Who Fear, Respect, Honour And

Love Almighty God, They Become Envious Of The Achievements Of Such

People. And Because They Are Envious, They Adopt The Instrument Of

Blackmail, Slander, Mischief, Derogatory Comments, Nshiko Mentality,

Etc Just To Discredit These Achievements.


The Second Category Is For Those Who Render Selfless Services And Are

Genuinely Committed And Indeed Dedicated To Alleviating The Suffering

Of The Less Privileged And Down Trodden In The Society. Almighty God

In His Infinite Wisdom Has Invested So Much In These Particular Class

Of People, Who See Themselves As Servants. They Use Whatever Resources

The Almighty God Has Placed At Their Disposal To Serve Humanity And

God. Without Any Fear Of Contradiction, Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Belongs To

This Second Category.


Uche Nwosu Who Is In His Mid-Forties Has So Served Humanity That He Has Become A Household Name In Imo State, South-East, Nigeria And

Indeed The Global Community. The Socio-Political, Cultural And

Economic Discourse And Engagements In Imo State Is Incomplete Without

The Mention Of The Name, Uche Nwosu. Before He Formally

Joined/Accepted Political Appointment In Imo State, Uche Nwosu Was A

Man Of Value, With Interests In Real Estate, Hospitality Industry,

Farming Etc, Where Thousands Of Imo Sons And Daughters Have Been

Gainfully Employed, Directly And Indirectly.



Ugwumba Uche Nwosu First Served As Deputy Chief Of Staff To The Imo State Governor. Later, He Served As Commissioner For Lands And Urban Planning. Finally, He Served As Chief Of Staff To The Governor. In All These Positions, He Proved Himself Worthy By Emerging The Best. He Breathed Life Into Each Of The Political Positions He Occupied, To The

Extent That Staff Of These Offices Enjoyed Better And More Fulfilled Life.


From 2011 When He Assumed Political Office Till Date (Even Though He

Is No Longer In Office), Uche Nwosu Initiated A Programme Module That

Has Continued To Reward The Best Civil Servants In The State Civil

Service, Yearly. This Proactive Attitude Has Continued To Motivate

Civil Servants To Put In Their Best In Service, for The Development Of

The State.


Every Programme Of Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Has A Philosophy Behind It,

Which Is To Continue To Put Smiles On The Faces Of People. No Wonder

Over One Thousand Imo Youths Have Benefitted From His Empowerment

Programme Initiative. No Wonder Over One Hundred Physically Challenged

Persons In Imo State Have Benefitted From His Empowerment Programme

Initiative. No Wonder Over Two And Fifty Traders Have Benefitted From

His Empowerment Programme Initiative. No Wonder One Hundred And

Seventy One Widows Have Benefitted From His Empowerment Programme

Initiative. No Wonder Over Five Hundred Students Are Under His

Scholarship Foundation. No Wonder He Has Built Houses For People Who

Have No Roof Over Their Heads. No Wonder He Has Provided Borehole And

Small Scale Built Markets For Several Communities In Imo State.


In Appreciation For His Good And Commendable Work For Humanity,

Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Has Received Numerous Awards And Titles, Locally,

Regionally, Nationally, Continentally And Globally, And These Have

Continued To Spur Him To Do More For The Society, To The Glory Of

Almighty God.


Like I Stated Above, Uche Nwosu’s Honour Out Of Public Service Is Much

More Resounding Than When He Was In Public Service. To This Effect,

The Commander Of Empowerment, As He Is Fondly Called, Has Rolled Out

Another Scheme That Would Further Enhance And Encourage Imo Traders

Across The State In Their Economic Growth And Other Activities.


Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Is Currently Constructing One Thousand Pieces Of

Iron Tables, Which Will Be Given Out To Traders Freely, To Enhance

Their Various Trading Activities. This Current Move Is A Clear

Indication That Uche Nwosu’s Various Empowerment Programmes,

Scholarships And Philanthropy Have No Political Undertones. However,

Although The Outcome Of The 2019 Governorship Election In The State

Was Manipulated Against Uche Nwosu By The Conspiracy Of INEC, PDP And

A Cabal Who Are Afraid Of His Rising Profile, The People Of Imo State

Have Come To Terms That Ugwumba Uche Nwosu Is The Leader That Has Come

To Work, For The Benefit Of All, And Who Has Come To Solve Challenges

Facing Humanity.


It Is A Given And Proven Constant That Uche Nwosu Is Neither Greedy

Nor Selfish. He Has Never Been Self-centered. He Freely Shares With

Anyone That Comes In Contact With Him. The Last Governorship Election

In Imo State Is A Test Case. Immediately After The Election, With The

Exception Of Ugwumba Uche Nwosu, All The Other Governorship Candidates

Have Reportedly Retrieved Their Campaign Vehicles From The People They

Gave Them To.


Uche Nwosu Means Well For Ndimo, Ndigbo And Nigeria. Those Resisting,

Opposing And Conspiring Against Him Will Never Succeed Because He Is

An Anointed Man Of God Called To Liberate Humanity From The Shackles

Of Poverty And Evilcratic Machinations Of The Devil And His Agents.


If You Insist On Working For Almighty God, You Will Be Resisted,

Frustrated, Accused Falsely, Harassed And Opposed By The Devil And His

Agents. Ephesians Chapter 6 Verse 12 Says, ” For We Wrestle Not

Against Flesh And Blood, But Against Principalities, Against Powers,

Against The Rulers Of The Darkness Of This World And Against Spiritual

Wickedness In High Places”.


When Moses Was Called To Set The People Of Israel Free, He Was

Resisted And Opposed By Pharaoh, An Agent Of The Devil, Who Eventually

Lost The Battle In The End.


When Our Lord Jesus Christ Was Born Into The World To Save Mankind, He

Was Resisted And Opposed By Herod Who Ordered The Slaughter Of All

Children, In An Attempt To Eliminate Jesus Christ The Saviour. The

Great Call, Ministry And Commission Of Jesus Christ As The Saviour Of

The World Was Met With The Highest Kind Of Resistance.


When David Was Anointed To Lead Israel, He Faced All Kinds Of

Opposition, Conspiracy And Resistance; But He Eventually Emerged

Victorious In The End.


Conversely, Although Uche Nwosu Is A Mortal Man With Limitations,

Those Opposing, Resisting And Conspiring Against His Anointed Desire

To Continue To Bring Genuine Smiles On The Faces Of Ndimo Will

Eventually Lose The Battle In The End.


Uche Nwosu Has Come To Work.


Hon Citizen Dr Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha wrote in from Owerri, Imo State



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